1. 1.FPEA Guide to Homeschooling in Florida, www.fpea.com

  2. 2.FPEA Convention Workshops; http://fpea.com/events/8088/05-21-2015/2015-fpea-convention

  3. 3.HSLDA High School: www.hslda.org/highschool/academics.asp

  4. 4.Barb Mesh Workshops; “Getting Ready for High School and Beyond”, www.learningathome.org/workshops.html

  5. 5.Homeschooling High School: Planning Ahead for College Admission by Jeanne G. Davis

  6. 6.High School at Home, by Diana Johnson

  7. 7.Piecing Together the High School Puzzle, by Joanne Mastrinocola

  8. 8.The High School Handbook: Junior and Senior High School at Home, by Mary Schofield

  9. 9.Senior High: A Home Designed Forum+U+La, by Barbara Shelton

10. Cathy Duffy’s, 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum

Transcript Resources

  1. 1.Homeschool Tracker, http://www.homeschooltracker.com/

  2. 2.Teascript, www.teascript.com

  3. 3.TranscriptPro, http://homeschooltranscripts.com/products-page/transcriptpro-category

  4. 4.HSLDA High School Transcripts, http://www.fasttranscripts.com/

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